
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

++ Wak Saion ++

WAK SAION? siapakah?? hahaha.
he's our landlord

Yup, 1 semester menyewa kat rumah wak saion bersama #REZZA #TAQIM #CAPIK #HAZZIQ #ACU #AYIE.

Banyak sgt kenangan rumah tu, dari first kami masuk, sampai lah kami keluar. First masuk mmg lah macam tak lah tak boleh adapt ngn keadaan kat rumah tu, rumah kampung kan.. so phm2 je lah, toilet pon kat luar. tepi, kiri dan kanan, depan dan belakang sume hutan, oo seriously. :(

Tapi lama2 jadi semakin rapat dengan satu keluarga wak saion, mcm wak tu atuk betul kami..

Malangnye, jodoh kami dengan wak saion hanya untuk satu semester je, masa nak inform dengan wak saion tu yg kita org ank keuar rumah, mmg sebak lah.. wak pon macam berat hati nak kami tinggalkan rumah tu, honestly aq cdpt nak gambarkan perasaan aku masa tu. aq mmg da anggap wak tu mcm atok aku sendiri, tapi tak tahu lah dengan housemate aq yang lain mcmne perasaan dorg.. tapi tengok dorg cool je.. aku je yg emo lebih.

Last day, masa tunggu ayah aku sampai untuk jemput sbb da cuti sem n da abis exam, tgh2 kemas barang, daaaa, jatuh lah beberapa titik airmata aq. mmg berat sgt hati time tu.. since sume kawan aku decide rumah lain, aq pon decide nak duduk asrama sem depan (last sem). so ini lah serba sedikit cerita aq kat rumah sewa tu, ape2 pon, aku mmg takkan lupa kenangan aq sepanjang berada dalam rumah WAK SAION! :)

Ni aku share sikit pic yang ade masa kami kat rumah wak tu. pic yang aq amik waktu kenduri kawin cucu wak tu

wak saion yang bebaju pink :)

Dedicated To My Haters

I got mad haters. I got more haters than some people have friends. Of course there are people who don’t agree with my lifestyle or the things I say. Most just move on and do their own thing. Some leave disagreeing comments and move on.

But not all move on. Some become dedicated haters. They put in work. They spend time and energy hating. They hang on every word I write not just here, but also my twitter, facebook, my other websites, etc. In fact, they’re my biggest fans in the original sense of the word, fanatic.
I’m not complaining about my haters. As Oscar Wilde said, “There’s only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” Plus, it comes with the territory of having a blog and being a writer. If you can’t take the heat get ya ass out the kitchen.
haha, so i dont really care, in fact, i do love my haters.. hahaha..
I don’t chase after anyone, If you wanna walk out of my life, then I’ll hold the fucking door open for you. :)