
Saturday, December 4, 2010

minggu orientasi aku kat politeknik

adoi!! nasib baik da abis orientasi kot...tu lah miggu yang paling dasyat pernah aku alami..
...mmg tak thm beb..pnt,lapar.ngantok sume ade..akhirnye berakhir gak sume tu..mase miggu tu nk je ku ku maki org yg mengendalikan sume tu..da lah tak de perancangan kot,sabo je lah

but,pengalaman ni mmg ku tak kan lupe kan seumur hidup aku..
pengalaman yang paling ekstrem+
  1. tido-pergh!! ngntok beb..hanya 3 jam dibenarkan tido..
  2. mandi-lagi lah..hanya mandi pkol 4 pagi,after that, tak dibenarkan kne pkai bju yg same,ngn bau bdn masing2 smpai mlm pkol 11 bru dibenarkan balik bilik.
  3. makan-lagilah mcm sengal,mkn 5 minit je...terkecik aku beb

over all,sume ok..kampus,hostel,roomate alhamdullillah ok..yg tak ok just keadaan persekitaran luar kampus..adoi!! cam org asli dok kat cerok utan kot...hahaha!! da lah nk g pekan susah..haish!! sabo je lah..tak sbr nk abis diploma.. k lah...out

Friday, November 26, 2010

Salam everyone, its me Haziq again...hahahah. actually I have a lot of things to talk about. By using this social web I would like to say thanks because when I need some friends, and you guys be around. Its been almost 9 months I've been here with you guys, i got a lot of information, even experiences that very 'cool' to me..hehehe..and I appreciate that, god knows everythings.

Recently i have been exposed to the real world quite a lot, "Two steps forward and one step back", I realize "One step back" is very crucial to me, When i feel i am falling backward i will start to get worried, Surprisingly, When i stand up again the feeling is so superb, hmm...... In the end i am still a step forward! So friends do not fear to fall back~ Because only in this process you will notice you are moving forward!

For kak Yati, kak Ida, kak Ita, Rifana, Redza, Anas thanks again for helping me from the day that i looked dumb and knows nothing about everything on the first day as a general workers here till now on. And you guys helping me and giving me so much hands and also treat and teach even TEASING me like your own little brother (I guess so) hehehe...all this things that happened to me, that happened around me, im so glad to put it in my mind and I will not forget all that for sure.yeah

To all the technicians, Ekhzan, Shah, Zam, Faizie, Yeop. Jojo, sam, awe and sayuthi (did I miss some name?)...guys!! Im gonna miss our know what?? goodbye is a saddest word but I have too..urgh!! for god sake

For the (brutal a.k.a aunt one) kak kina, kak elly, kak laily, kak lia, kak ain, kak farikha, abg adi, abg jeff, nizam, and all staffs thanks for gives me such a great surrounding and i feel everyday was alright. Sorry if I let you down before because I'm not perfect.

For all staffs especially my dear friend triple 'Z'( zirah, zati, zarah ), I had a dream and an ambition to achieved. But there's a voices inside even 'outside' my head sayin that ''Haziq!!, you never reach it''.and I lost with no direction. The struggles that im facing, sometimes might knock me down, and my mind unweaving also i almost surrender but I'm not breakin because you guys help me on this and you guys are great.

8 months ago, I took a deep breath then I walked through the door say hi to everybody . This is my freshman year that I'm gonna be here for the next 8 months. Its complicated by the way, then I met you guys. Now I know how to be a better person.

So, this is a teenager's life, I'm goin' to take this chances to rebuild my life again and continue learning.

It end today, I'm gonna miss you all more than everything and sorry again for the silly things i've made. Wish all of you gud luck and wish me luck too. I hate this part actually because i have to say goodbye and I'm gonna to cry so I have to stop typing....huh sigh!!

Oh god, I almost forget, Thanks to my dearest uncle and aunt (cik zam and cik iti) for giving me an opportunity to make this such amazing year in CSL as a general worker..

selamat menyambut hari raye aidiladha sume..:)

To me.the future is not something that we travel to, but it is something that we build, this is reputation and focus, keep your pace. Awards are a bonus but achieving your objectives is a priceless reward. X.O.X.O

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Real Life's.........(^;~)

Recently i have been exposed to the real world quite a lot,
                       "Two steps forward and one step back",
I realize "One step back" is very crucial to me,
When i feel i am falling backward i will start to get worried,
When i stand up again the feeling is so superb,
In the end i am still a step forward!
So friends do not fear to fall back~
Because only in this process you will notice you are moving forward!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

18 DAYS to go

yes..18 hari lagi aku nk mulakan hidup baru,cari ketenangan dan angin baru kat tempat yg baru, then tak sabar nk hilangkan rasa 'sakit' yang aku simpan selame ni

since aku da tak larat, aku decide nk pergi je...welcome to politeknik,wargh!!! cant wait anymore
to be a student again and to achieves my ambition...lalalalala
                                                               (logo poli aku)
ala!! da kurang mood lah nk tulis...ape2 pn..tq for sudi jd my follower

Monday, October 25, 2010

Best wishes wishes?? what's that?? hmmm..yeah.i guess everyone
 have a wish,same goes to in upper east aside, people in manhattan lives with many wishes..hahahah..ok.. my best wishes is..I wish I can stand on top of the 'empire state' in new york..haha.that sounds silly right??

yeah...empire state in new york..its a great 'tower' i guess...hahahah

no 2-is going to be standing in front of eiffel tower..gagagahagaga
,..shit!!! I was too high....hahahaha..was it beautiful??? having a first date with people u love more?? or on trip?? or on vacation?? gah!!!im in paris, france....'bonjour.Ça me plaît.' hahaha..what does it means??hahahah

no3-..makkah?? yeah..perform haji..i would like too..its perfect.completing our 'rukun islam'
      yes..perform haji..allahuakbar'insyaALLAH'

no4-of course to be an engineer, succesfull engineer..wah!! Ir.Alif haziq...
amin~~~ god knows everything..

yeah no4-to have a better lives
no5-happy family.have a good wife, have good kids, (i think)
no6-make a lot of money to perform haji as soon as possible..hahaha
  p/s-everyone has their own wishes...same goes to me..xoxo

Thursday, October 21, 2010


last night when i watched for the movie, suddenly i had crush with those 'fuckin memories...oh not again

'what wrong man?? she's belong to someone else' come on..just leave it..i tried to vanishing it from my head, but it won't go...i feel like i was stuck at the middle of the ocean and surrounded by the sharks.i just can't stand and and let the sharks eat me..i must do something, but i must have a good plan....wargh!!!! shit.,,she is my best friend,i shouldn't crush on her..but it a 'feeling' guys..what can i do?? comes and go and comes again..sigh~~~

oh (god) 'Allah' me on this..i was totally blocked..

Monday, October 18, 2010

always be there

If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine
Allahu Akbar…


dulu dengan sekarang lain sangat...sekarang ni aku fanatik dengan maher zain,bkn lah fanatik ape pon,tapi suke dengar lagu2 die yang dalam maksudnye..ditulis dengan luahan isi hati nye..masyaAllah,sangat indah setiap lirik2 dakwah yg ingin die sampai kan kepada umat islam yang jauh menyimpang..(macam aku)

dari kecik diajar tentang agama islam,sekarang ni lah baru aku tau kepade kite harus menyerahkan segalanye kepada yang maha esa,,bila dengar lagu maher zain,rase keinsafan datang dengan cepat..'insyaALLAH,WE FIND THE WAY'...ALHAMDULILLAH segala nye berjalan dengan lancar..bersyukur kepada nye kerana masih menyayangi diri ini...mngkin ape yang berlaku ade hikmah nye..sekarang aku rase tenang sangat,dan dapat berfikir dengan baik mencari jalan keluar dari sume masalah yang aku hadapi sekarang,'thank to Allah' because u the only one can show me the way,insyaAllah'

moga dipermudahkan segalanya~~amin

Thursday, October 14, 2010

;;..;;;..IsU HaLaL..;;;..

Salam semua..hi,terime kasih sekali lagi kerana sudi menjenguk blog saye ni..hehehe

..halal?? pe yg u all faham tentang halal ni?? ha!! ni yg saye nk cerita ni
hari ini..kat office sibuk pasal halal haram dari segi 'makanan'..berapa pasti kah makanan yg u all mkn tu adalh makanan yang halal??? hmm.kat office arini, kami buka 'hamper'..yup..biasalah,mknn ringan mmg banyak anasir luarnye..hmm.

jename2 makanan yg terkenal dan selalu kita mkn mempunyai kod mknn yg dilabel sebagai bahan yang diperoleh dari 'babi'..sperti 'junkfood'..saya mmg terkejut apabila melihat isi kandungan di bahagian belakang mknn tersebut..bkn 1,bkn 2,tapi berpuluh2 jenis makan yg 'familiar'..subhanallah

..persoalannye? dimanakah pemantauan isu halal haram dalam makanan ni...mmg lah kat setiap packaging tu ade logo halal,tapi logo2 tu semua boleh dicetak secara meluas..masalahnye, ni semua mknn yg sering dimakan oleh umat islam kita hari ni..(tak boleh lah sebut,nnti ade yg tersinggung)...jgn lah kita amik mudah...dari mknn juga lah yang menentukan doa kite diterima olehNya atau tidak...salah satu doa kita tidak diterima adalah dengan memakan makanan dari sumber yg haram...jd,jgnlah kite ambik mudah isu ni..tetapi knp?? knp isu ini tak de di isukan dalam media cetak n elektronik??? kat berita dan surat khabar?? tetapi isu yg tak penting seperti penceraian artis2,kes wang hantaran,turun naik mahkamah.isu artis bertudung, mcm2 lah heboh diperkatekan sampai sanggup berbalah..knp isu halal haram dalam makanan ni tak de siapa yang berani berbalah?? mana yang penting???

hmm..jadi fikir-fikirkan lah,kat mane kita berdiri dan apa yang terbaik untuk kite..byk2 lah berdoa agar dilindungi olehNya...wasalam

p/s: makanan yg kita makan jd darah daging kita tau!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


terima kasih kerane sudi melawat blog saye...

Selama 7 bulan aku bekerja,aku rasa seperti seorg yang matang dalam segi pemikiran..bkn lah sebelum ni tak matang,tapi ini lebih mematangkan...kehidupan di office yg byk pasang dan surut nya...

'mulut'?? hahaha,means mulut2 org yang kat office ni lah...ade yang bawa 'emas dalam mulut',ade juga yang bawa 'sampah dalam mulut'...tapi yang paling pelik dan membimbangkan ialah lelaki yang membawa 'sampah dalam mulut' (subhanAllah)...adoi!!! macam2 lah sekarang aku dapat gak lah pengajaran dari semua tu bila aku berada betul2 dalam alam pekerjaan nanti..harap di permudahkan dan dilindungi olehNya..kalau nk dihitung tak terkira jumlahnye..kat mana2 company pun same je..msti ada sorg yg bawa 'palat'....hmm..berbahagia lah kepada korg2 yg suke buat 'palat' ni ea..ape pandangan anda????

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hari Mendatang

 yup...selepas ini aku akan masuk ke politeknik..melanjutkan pelajaran aku dalam bidang engineering..diploma.risau gak aku(bolehke aku wat bnd2 ni sume) demi mencapai cite2 aku untuk ke luar negara..yes...banyak sgt bnd yg aku fikirkan..takut jugak aku percaya yang aku boleh buat..seperti yang aku ckp..'being 18 is not easy'...banyak dugaan yang harus aku tempuhi untuk hari yang akan datang.

bagi aku,kite menuntut ilmu bkn lah hanya untuk menjawat jawatan yang tinggi,.selagi ade hayat,aku nk terus berlaja...bialah org nk kate ape pun.

cabaran demi cabaran yang aku akan tempuhi bermula dari kehidupan aku di dalam rumah bersama keluarga aku yang 'happy'..ape2 pun,aku hanya boleh berharap.berusaha n berdoa kepadaNya..moga dipermudah kan segalanya..Amin~~~