
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

birthday? haish!

today : 3 august, wonder, asal die tak wish birthday kat aku ea?? tak pnh2 pon? thanks to aiman n mude n kay with sai, org yg terawal wish, but npe die tak wish? setelah 2 ari berlau, aku still tggu n tggu, but there is no sign at all.. hihihi

sedey doh, npe lah cpt sangat waktu berlalu? sampai sumenye perlu berubah n tak seperti dulu lagi? rindu lah ngn zaman2 dulu. bkn lah nk kate terase ke ape? but cuma pelik? but, aku ttp kuatkan instinct aku mengatakan die bz, or tade kedit or ape2 je r, or maybe die mmg tak ingt? hmm tape lah, bak kate sai (sbr je lah ziq).. but its ok, tak kisah pon klu die lupa, sbb tu just birthday, mgkin tak penting bagi sesetengah org.. so aku tak kisah lah :)))))))))) senyum seratus kali..

my mom bg present kat aku, table watch..haha..n the rest just wish kat fb..thanks again... byk gler wishes sampai tak termampu nk reply..but hmm :)))) (senyum lagi). keadaan da tak same mcm dulu ziq, come on, wake up..!! so tak pyh nk berharap sangat.. like i said.. it is just a birthday..tak penting pon ::)))))) (cube senyum beratus kali)

k lah slm ramadhan xoxo