
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Slm petang semua, I was thinking about something, something that probably gonna change my life forever.. uhhh! How r u guys? Kwn2 yang pnh mengenali diri ni masa zaman sekolah dulu? Sekolah menengah? Sometimes aku rindu ngn korg sume, n sometimes aku flash back memory aku dulu.. yes! Aku myb tade pic2 mase sekolah rendah dulu, tapi sume kekal dlm ingatan aku selamanya. Please I hope that, u won’t forget I was there. My life’s turning back lol. Aku pon tak tahu nape..but, aku mmg pressure sgt2 skrg ni.. with all these messy things..  seriously tak pnh rase se-pressure ni. Dulu kat sekolah, byk keje pon tak de lah pressure sgt, tapi skrg, mcm2 kne fikir, lagi2 nk LI..wlupun keje n assignment tak de lah byk sgt, tapi kalau banyak pon tak kisah..just that, bila da meningkat umur rase lain sangat situasi tu, mcm2 bnd kene fikir, of course lah outside the box, tapi member2 aku relax aku yang byk fikir? Hmm

Things gonna be so hard, life is much challenging. What am gonna do to keep survive.  You tell me?

Monday, January 23, 2012

good news

im goin to upload all my civil engineering notes and assignments here, so guys, if u need something relates with civil engineering, i hope my blog will be helpful. but i need time to upload all the file :)

Generally about me~`

This is me. I've expirienced and knowledge of things past I obtain.This profile has said many things about me over the years, if anyone has been on my friends list and read the things I have put, then they could have pieced together my life like a jigsaw puzzle. I have been very open about my life, my problems, and my successes.And generally showed a very un-happy person, incapable of avoiding self-destruction. As of this update, this trend has ended. I am not the person I was before. I have gained control over myself, and my emotions, I have quit blaming myself for most things, and quit blaming others for everything else.

 Ok sesape je yg nak kenal..I want to meet everyone. We don't have to like each other, but I want the opportunity to find out. I can generally get along with anyone, and I am excessively tolerant.Don't get me wrong, if you are my friend and you need a shoulder or someone to listen, I am there for you, no questions asked. BOUT LOVE?? if there's one thing I've learned from falling in love that is to stand up no matter how painful the cuts to fight for what I believe in and to wait because even if i think now is the right time to give extra effort.Waiting is even more worth it especially if i love that person so much!!!

Sometimes, we put too much passion on the biggest dreams and priorities in life that we fail to love the smallest pleasures from simple things. We search so much for the right choices, for the right paths to walk through, for the right time and for the right reasons. But life isn't about searching for the things that can be found. It is about letting the unexpected happen and finding things i never searched for.Life is too short like wake up in the morning.So love the people who treat me right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. Know a good thing when i see it, and don't let it slip away. If get a chance, i'll take it. If it changes my life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be WORTH it. Ya ok, whateva. peace!