
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


CAMWHORING ngn mereka2, sume gler bergambar..pantang nampak kamera, n ofcourse me include..hehehehe

Monday, December 26, 2011

First Day without.........

Harini, msok malam ke2 aku kat cni tok sem baru ni, da nak masuk zohor pon, setelah seharian penat gler kat kelas, cari lecturer nak sain borang pendaftaran modul, jap g sambung balik..aiyooo..

aku rse cam mengantuk lak tgh typing ni, bcz aku tak dpt tido lena malam td, otak asyik pk hal2 umah, mmg r ssh nak tido.. aku terlena jam 2.00 pagi then tersedar pkol 5.15, bape jam je kot aku tido, seyez ngntok gler lor..

aku nak balik lah jumaat ni sempena new year, aku nk sambut new year kat uma je..tak nk lah sambut new year kat cni..tak best langsung..

baru first day, da dpt asignment, aiyooo.. sakit gler tu lah hakikatnye, aku kne sabar..da nme pon student IPT, bkn dak skool g..hehhee

k lah, nothing much to say, xoxo


orang kate bermalam tok first day ni ssh gak kan? hmm one word! HOMESICK.. ginilah cite nye, aku penat lah nk melayan perasaan ni, lom pape lagi da counting day utk cuti umum. haiya1 bosan woo kat cni..

bila da homesick ni, 1 hari macam satu tahun nak tunggu, even 1 jam mcam satu bulan..alahai! this friday aku nak balik gak kat umah..cuti new year 3 hari..jd lah lepak2 kat uma with family.. bosan r plak..aku nk tgok movie r..tapi mcm tade mood nk tgok..dalam pikiran aku, i wanna go home!.

bila first day, yg ssh tu sbb nk adapt ngn new surrounding n new situation lor.. kotor r plak kat cni,, tape, aku nk berjaya..ade yg ku impikan, dan aku kne capai sumenye, kne r korban ckit kot..lagi 1 year n half je kat cni, pastu da abis, n aku harap aku dapat sambung kat UKM one day..tu target aku.. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

..::COMING SOON:::..

Pe yg coming soon tu? hahha. well aku berat hati nak ckp yang da nk daftar tok sem baru, aku tak ready g..lagi2 bila aku tak tahu sapelah roomate aku tu, aku harap aku tak dapat ngn orang yang same mcm sem lepas, dan aku harap aku dapat bilik yang 2 org punya.. 

pergh, dalam otak aku da macam2 aku pikir ni, tgh packing barang tadi pon aku leh buat muka ketat nak mampus, sampai ayah aku aku tny awat dengan muka aku tu.. hahaha.

yang pasti, aku mesti homesick balik sem depan, klu dapat roomate yang tah ape2 lagi lah aku homesick nak mati, klu dapat dok sorang pon ok gak what...aku suke je, kalau lah aku dapat duduk sorang dalam bilik yang 2 org tu, konfom bahagia gler idop aku..mati lah aku kalau dapat roomate yang menyakitkan kati macam sem lepas, aku kena tahan tok 6 bulan yang akan datang, tu pon klu sem 4 ade li, klu tade li mmg aku kne hadap muke dorg sampai sem 5 nnti.

pe yang jadi nanti tuhan je yang tahu same ade aku sengsara o tak duduk dalam hostel tu nnti, aku cume berserah n berdoa pe yang jadi sem lepas moga2 tak jadi lagi sem ni. shitttt!!!!

aku rindu lah ngn hazirah halmi, tak lame g birthday die, nak bg ape pon aku tak tahu, aku igt leh lah aku jumpa dia cuti sem ni, unfortunatey, die pon tade cuti.. aiyooo..

papepon aku mmg tak ready lagi nak balik poli tu, da nak krismas ni, memeber aku yang kat overseas tu msti tgh wat persiapan tok diri dorg n new year nnti, aku sedih, new year aku tak dapt balik, krismas pon kne dok sane...aiyoo.. homesick nk mati lah aku..

k lah, da mlm, time to sleep..zzzzz

Thursday, December 8, 2011

FRIDAY night

tonight, well, i gotta say that im quite emosional right now, I dont know what is actually happening, while everyone busy to watch OMBAK RINDU, then im busy with my The tale of dolphin, hahaha..yes quite emosional right now because mostly the plot always relates with mine.

how great this creation. i wish i can touch them one day, that is one of my dream

i really dont understand why, why all this happening, everytime I watched the movie, it always make me cry, sounds weird right, well that me. dont really care if you guys call me nerd or insane.. that's me.

almost cry like hell, every tears drop off from my eyes has their own story.. and that's y i cant hold my tears anymore. this is life, i have my own dream which is lead me to the right path i guess, but it doesn't matter. 

I was dreamt about the future, how im gonna live with my life better,. everything had happened teach me the real life. now again cry like hell.. haha, just a person knows what is happening to me. but she no longer by my side, i had plan in future for her, but haahahaahaha..never mind.

im not good enough to everyone, life is real right? instead it is wonderful. im talking with nobody, because there is no one understands me. my family include. 

all my friends have their own life. i cant depend on them. its hard to believe that im 20. i've lost my way. noboby keep me save. im standing by my own feet. 

the question is how im gonna love? and how im gonna feel? and how im gonna live my life like the dream i have is real?.

this one is my favorite, only an expert knows what's that mean.

Ya rabb, ni ke ujian? aku sentiasa kuatkan iman aku, aku redha, apa pun yang jadi pada masa depan aku redha, tp aku akan sentiasa berusaha untuk memenuhi impian aku.ya rabb, kau kuatkan hati aku, mudahkan segala urusan ku, tabahkan hati aku untuk ujian mu. :)

Monday, December 5, 2011


2 more weeks? for what? haha/..u guys wonder? well 2 more weeks before I register for new sem. aiyo... kejap gler cuti lol.. tak sempat nk hoyei2 (duit pon tde nk hoyei2) hahah.. 10 things I do along this holiday

1- Sleep tight
2- Eat A lot (rice n junkfood for sure)
3- Solat
4- Facebook, twitter.
5- Movie and tv
6- Eat (again)
7- Chillin with my lil sis n family ofcourse
8- Eat again..haahha
9- Online
10- Sleep(zzzz)

hahahahaha,,well there's nothing I can do except the above activities. what do you expect? no more games for sure. well this is my life, i can do whatever i want. as long as im happy..

2 more weeks, but I'm NOT even thrill. because whatever happen next sem, im sure not under control anymore. the worst nightmare ever chasing after me. well im not ready for that.. 

my life is kinda boring right. I tell you what, I always listening to Adele songs. everyone knows who Adele is and ADORE HER so much neither do I, instead I always disguising myself as Adele lol.. HAHHAHA. she's very talented and yet still 21 years old. gahh.. 

no more word from me.i have to go..c ya..:) xoxo